Command line parameters


Path to .makproj to start. Can be left out if .makproj is the first parameter:

Viper.NET.Shell.exe "PathTo\Project.makproj"

Login with the given user. Also requires -pw.


Password for the user given in -user.


override configFile parameter conStreamTelPoolFile


override Plugins directory (Plugins)


Path the job configuration to load on startup. Not valid if using vision type management.


The name of a vision type to load on startup. Only valid if using vision type management.


[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] If set, the user must confirm application exit. Defaults to true.


[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] If set, the main window is displayed with borders instead of fullscreen. Defaults to false.


[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Allow multiple instances of the application. Defaults to false.


[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Init global keyboard hook on startup. Defaults to false. If set, users can navigate the main form with PageUp, PageDown, F1 and F2.


Starts the application on the given screen. Useful in multi-monitor environment. Defaults to 0 (=main screen). Screens are always numbered starting from 0.


[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Globally simulate all cameras. Use only in test environments. Defaults to false.


[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Do not start live mode in any CtlLiveDisplay on application start if disableStartLiveDisplays=1 or simAllCams=1


[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Globally simulate all lightcontrollers. Use only in test environments. Defaults to false.


[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] Globally simulate all hardware by memory mapped file


[1,2,3] Globally simulate hardware with mathing id by memory mapped file


simAllHw=true := simulation time for reading from hw in ms


simAllHw=true := simulation time for writing to hw in ms


simAllHw=true := simulation time for connection ok after init in ms


[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] If set, the Viper.NET AutoInstallation is executed on each startup. Else, the AutoInstallation is only executed if required. Default is false.


[=(true|1|on|yes)|(Any other value will set to false)] If set, Viper.NET will revert all files that were installed in the last AutoInstallation, and exit afterwards. Default is false.


Use given log4net config file instead of the one configured in the makproj file. Path is resolved relative to makproj file.


Application.DoEvents in Add/Remove Controls from GControlLayout